AP Summer Institute – Kentucky

AP Summer Institute #2 is history and it was a blast as well!
The workshop started on June 27 and ran for five days.
Western Kentucky University was an awesome host and I hope to be back in 2012!

We covered tons of material, including Scratch, Jeroo, GridWorld, and lots of Java. We discussed teaching with Codes and Ciphers, teaching List Processing using multiple environments, and using games to teach Object-Oriented Programming.

Attendees came all of the way from Tennessee, Alabama, Hawaii, Connecticut, Illinois, and Ohio. We had a submarine-pilot and an X-Factor finalist in our midst as well as a former standup comedian. It was an awesome crew of people and it was nice to get to know them all.  One guy was a little on the shifty side, but I will not mention any names as I do not want Jose to get his feelings hurt.

My next AP SI in back in Houston starting on July 18th and it is for experienced teachers.
My last AP SI will be in Arkansas starting on July 25th.
See all of my workshop dates and available materials.
Follow my travels across the US to my workshops via my son’s travel blog.