CS News – Tech Industry Searching For Girls Gone Geek

Tech Industry Searching for Girls Gone Geek

The title of this article is the whole reason girls are running the other way.  The term Geek and Nerd just does not resonate with girls.  Who wants to be a stereotypical Geek or Nerd?  The truth is that today we are all Geeks and Nerds as we all use computers, iPhones, smartPhones, and gadgets galore.  Nerds and Geeks of ten or twenty years ago were the only people using computers and gadgets.  The days of the classical Nerds and Geeks are gone as the ones that still exist in that sense are locked away in the basement drinking Jolt Cola eating cold pizza.  Today’s Geeks and Nerds look just like everyone else and prefer to not be  lumped in with the stereotypical Nerds and Geeks of yesteryear.  If you have a phone or a laptop, you my friend are a big fat Nerd!  Admit this to yourself, go pop a can of Jolt, and kick back and Nerd out on Facebook!  Oh, by the way, Nerds and Geeks made Facebook!